For international transportation from Turkey to Europe, the EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification) number is of great importance for smooth and trouble-free customs clearance. The EORI number is an identification number that enables customs procedures to be carried out quickly and effectively in European Union (EU) countries. Here’s what you need to know about the necessity of an EORI number and how to get one:

What is an EORI Number?

The EORI number is an identification number created to facilitate customs clearance in the European Union. This number allows customs authorities in EU member states to identify individuals or organizations engaged in commercial activities. The EORI number is used in both import and export transactions and must be indicated on customs declarations and loading instructions.

EORI Number Obligation

  1. Required for Customs Clearance: When transporting goods from Turkey to Europe, the EORI number is required by customs authorities in European Union countries on customs declarations and other official documents.
    Not having an EORI number can cause delays and problems in customs clearance.
  2. Orderly and Efficient Processing: The EORI number ensures that customs procedures are carried out in an orderly and expeditious manner. Thanks to this number, customs officials can easily recognize the importer or exporter and carry out transactions more efficiently.
  3. Customs Duties and Other Obligations: The EORI number helps to accurately calculate and pay customs duties and other obligations. This ensures both the fulfillment of obligations and the avoidance of possible penalties.

How to Obtain an EORI Number?

Companies wishing to export or import from Turkey to Europe should follow the steps below to obtain an EORI number:

  1. Application: To obtain an EORI number, you need to apply to the relevant Ministry of Customs and Trade in Turkey. In addition, assistance can be obtained from a customs official or customs broker in the European Union.
  2. Information and Documents: During the application process, company information, trade registry number, tax number and other necessary documents may be requested. It is important that these documents are submitted completely and accurately.
  3. Approval: Once your application has been assessed, your EORI number will be approved and communicated to you. This number will be used in all customs procedures.


Lack of an EORI number for transportation from Turkey to Europe may cause disruptions in customs procedures and additional costs. Therefore, obtaining and keeping the EORI number up to date is critical for the smooth and efficient conduct of your international trade activities.

If you have any questions or require further information about the application process, we kindly ask you to get in touch.