The USCI (Uniform Social Credit Identifier) number plays an important role in international transportation from Turkey to China.
This number must be known and used to comply with customs regulations in China. Here’s what you need to know about the necessity of a USCI number and how to obtain one:

What is a USCI Number?

USCI (Uniform Social Credit Identifier) is the official identification number of enterprises and organizations in China. It is a unique identifying number for each enterprise under China’s Social Credit System. The USCI number is used in trade, customs clearance and other official transactions. This number is mandatorily required for imports and exports into China.

USCI Number Requirement

  1. Required for Customs Clearance: When transporting goods from Turkey to China, Chinese customs authorities require the USCI number on customs declarations and other official documents. Lack of USCI number can lead to delays and problems in customs clearance.
  2. Legal Compliance: A USCI number is required to operate in accordance with regulations in China. This number ensures that you are compliant with China’s customs and trade regulations.
  3. Efficiency of Operations: The USCI number ensures that customs clearance is carried out in an orderly and expeditious manner. Thanks to the number, Chinese customs officials can recognize the importer or exporter and process transactions more efficiently.

How to Obtain a USCI Number?

Companies wishing to import or export in China should follow the steps below to obtain a USCI number:

  1. Application: To obtain a USCI number, you need to apply to the relevant customs and trade authorities in China. Usually, this process is carried out through a business partner or customs broker in China.
  2. Information and Documents: During the application, company information, tax number, trade register and other necessary documents may be requested. It is important that the documents are submitted accurately and completely.
  3. Approval: Once your application has been assessed, your USCI number will be approved and communicated to you. This number will be used for all customs clearance and commercial transactions.


Lack of USCI number in transportation transactions from Turkey to China may cause disruptions in customs procedures and additional costs. Therefore, obtaining a USCI number and keeping it up to date is critical to the smooth and efficient conduct of your international trade activities.

If you have any questions or need more information on the application process, it is worthwhile to contact a customs broker or relevant government agencies in China.