In international trade and transportation transactions, the correct classification and processing of goods and products is critical for the proper execution of customs procedures. In this context, the coding system known as HS Code (Harmonized System Code) plays a fundamental role in international trade. Here’s what you need to know about the necessity and importance of the HS Code:

What is HS Code?

HS Code is a system known as Harmonized System Code. Developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), this system enables the classification of products to facilitate international trade. By classifying products and materials within a certain standard, the HS Code makes customs clearance and trade regulations more efficient.

HS Code Obligation

  1. Necessary for Customs Clearance: In international transportation and trade transactions, the correct HS Code is mandatory for proper and fast customs clearance.
    Customs authorities use the HS Code to ensure that products are correctly classified and the correct tax rates are applied.
  2. Tax and Tariff Calculations: The HS Code helps to accurately calculate the tax rates and tariffs to be applied on products. This enables costs to be accurately determined in both import and export transactions.
  3. Export and Import Documents: The HS Code is included in export and import documents and is essential for the correct issuance of these documents. Missing or inaccurate HS Code can result in invalid documents and delays in processing.
  4. Trade Statistics and Reporting: The HS Code is used for the accurate preparation of trade statistics and reports. This helps to monitor the volume of trade and trade of products between countries.

How to Determine HS Code?

You can follow the steps below to determine the HS Code:

  1. Product Identification: Make a complete and accurate description of your product. Provide detailed information about the material, use and other characteristics of the product.
  2. HS Code Guides and Resources: Use the HS Code guides and resources provided by your country’s customs office to determine the correct HS Code for your product. You can also make use of the HS Code system provided by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
  3. Customs Consultant: For complex products or special cases, it may be helpful to seek the assistance of a customs broker or consultant. Experts can help you determine the most appropriate HS Code for your products.
  4. Approval and Control: Check the HS Code with customs officials to confirm its correctness. Using the wrong HS Code can lead to problems in customs clearance.


The HS Code ensures the correct classification of products in international trade and transportation transactions and the orderly execution of customs procedures.